Researchers from the Quality of Life Lab at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) are looking for volunteers for a longitudinal study starting in 2024.

The study requires, on average, 45 minutes of your time per month over a maximum of two years of participation. It will imply mostly passive data collection using a smartphone and a smartwatch.

It will focus on assessing patterns in repetitive behavior and cognitive performance in different contexts of everyday life.

Each participant will receive a brand new Withings Smartwatch for participating.

The study will require participants to wear that smartwatch daily and to dedicate between half and two hours to answering questionnaires and cognitive games on a mobile application every three months.

This study protocol was approved by the Commission Cantonale d’Éttique de la recherche (CCER) on the 25 of July 2023.


This is a joint initiative between the QoL Lab and the Cognitive Aging Lab, supported by AGE-INT.

More info at

Conditions of participation

– Be 45 or older.

– Live mainly in Switzerland or its surrounding regions of France.

– Be fluent in French and/or English and/or Portuguese.

– Use a smartphone daily.

– Be able and willing to wear and charge (every two weeks) a provided smartwatch during most of the day.

– Be able to give informed consent to participate in the study.




Interested ? Please contact us by email at