Tutorial: E-field modeling using simNIBS

SimNIBS is a free and open source software package for the Simulation of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation. It allows for realistic calculations of the electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electric stimulation (TES).

It is a powerful tool to:

1. generate head meshes based on structural MRI

2. estimate and visualize individualized electrical fields generated by tDCS or TMS

3. calculate the optimal tDCS / TMS parameters (position / amplitude) to target specific brain regions

You can download and read about simNIBS on the official website HERE.

Generation of head meshes
  • The necessary steps to obtain a high resolution individualized head mesh are detailed HERE.


  • To create individualized models, SimNIBS requireas a T1-weighted image. T2-weighted images are optional, but highly recommended
  • Specific sequence parameters can be seen at Nielsen et al., NeuroImage, 2018.
  • Headreco is the preferred method (and the fastest), but requires Matlab.
E-field modeling: TMS
  • SimNIBS offers both Python and MATLAB interfaces for setting up and running simulations. In both, a set of nested structures is used to define the simulation, and then the command run_simnibs is used to run the simulation.
  • You can find detailed explanation on the various commands on the official website HERE.

  • Here we detail a Python script for TMS:
from simnibs import sim_struct, run_simnibs

# Initalize a session
s = sim_struct.SESSION()
# Name of head mesh
s.fnamehead = 'ernie.msh'
# Output folder
s.pathfem = 'tutorial/'

# Initialize a list of TMS simulations
tmslist = s.add_tmslist()
# Select coil
tmslist.fnamecoil = 'Magstim_70mm_Fig8.nii.gz'

# Initialize a coil position
pos = tmslist.add_position()
# Select coil centre
pos.centre = 'C1'
# Select coil direction
pos.pos_ydir = 'CP1'

# Add another position
pos_superior = tmslist.add_position()
# Centred at C1
pos_superior.centre = 'C1'
# Pointing towards Cz
pos_superior.pos_ydir = 'Cz'

E-field modeling: tDCS
  • SimNIBS offers both Python and MATLAB interfaces for setting up and running simulations. In both, a set of nested structures is used to define the simulation, and then the command run_simnibs is used to run the simulation.
  • You can find detailed explanation on the various commands on the official website HERE.

  • Here is detailed a typical tDCS script using Python:
from simnibs import sim_struct, run_simnibs

# Initalize a session
s = sim_struct.SESSION()
# Name of head mesh
s.fnamehead = 'ernie.msh'
# Output folder
s.pathfem = 'tutorial/'

# Initialize a tDCS simulation
tdcslist = s.add_tdcslist()
# Set currents
tdcslist.currents = [-1e-3, 1e-3]

# Initialize the cathode
cathode = tdcslist.add_electrode()
# Connect electrode to first channel (-1e-3 mA, cathode)
cathode.channelnr = 1
# Electrode dimension
cathode.dimensions = [50, 70]
# Rectangular shape
cathode.shape = 'rect'
# 5mm thickness
cathode.thickness = 5
# Electrode Position
cathode.centre = 'C3'
# Electrode direction
cathode.pos_ydir = 'Cz'
# Add another electrode
anode = tdcslist.add_electrode()
# Assign it to the second channel
anode.channelnr = 2
# Electrode diameter
anode.dimensions = [30, 30]
# Electrode shape
anode.shape = 'ellipse'
# 5mm thickness
anode.thickness = 5
# Electrode position
anode.centre = 'C4'

tDCS optimization based on target


  • Step 1: Create a leadfield based on electrode location


from simnibs import sim_struct, run_simnibs

tdcs_lf = sim_struct.TDCSLEADFIELD()

# head mesh

tdcs_lf.fnamehead = ‘ernie.msh’

# output directory

tdcs_lf.pathfem = ‘folder_leadfield’



# run the simulations



  • Step 2: optimize electrode location and amplitude based on leadfield.


import simnibs

# Initialize structure

opt = simnibs.opt_struct.TDCSoptimize()

# Select the leadfield file

opt.leadfield_hdf = ‘folder_leadfield/ernie_leadfield_electrodes_location.hdf5’

# Select a name for the optimization

opt.name = ‘optimization/dual_target’

# Select a maximum total current (in A)

opt.max_total_current = 2e-3

# Select a maximum current at each electrodes (in A)

opt.max_individual_current = 1e-3

# Select a maximum number of active electrodes (optional)

opt.max_active_electrodes = 6

# Define optimization target

target1 = opt.add_target()

# Position of target, in subject space!

# please see tdcs_optimize_mni.py for how to use MNI coordinates

target1.positions = [-12, 87, 48]

# Intensity of the electric field (in V/m)

target1.intensity = 0.2

target2 = opt.add_target()

target2.positions = [-81, -54, 16]

target2.intensity = 0.2 # negative value revert the direction

# Run optimization



  • You can find more details on the official website HERE.
TMS optimization based on target


  • Typical script:
from simnibs import opt_struct

# Initialize structure
tms_opt = opt_struct.TMSoptimize()
# Select the head mesh
tms_opt.fnamehead = 'ernie.msh'
# Select output folder
tms_opt.pathfem = 'tms_optimization/'
# Select the coil model
tms_opt.fnamecoil = 'Magstim_70mm_Fig8.nii.gz'
# Select a target for the optimization
tms_opt.target = [-43.4, -20.7, 83.4]

# Run optimization to get optimal coil position

  • You can find more details on the official website HERE.